Adventures in the New Year


Though the campus has quieted down significantly during the winter break, this is an exciting time of year for the Toor Cummings Center.  Several juniors are gearing up for their semester abroad, and a handful of students are about to depart for a winter internship abroad.  The offers for our juniors are coming in quickly, and more students have secured summer internships.  A new class of CISLA scholars has recently been admitted, and we look forward to working with our new sophomore class.

I can’t help but reminisce on my own travels as the students begin to depart for their internships and semesters abroad.  The opportunity to not only travel but to live, study and work in another country offers tremendous personal growth, an expanding world view, and a developing understanding of and appreciation for foreign cultures.  For most students, this is a pivotal experience that marks a clear path in their life journey.  I look forward to seeing where the road takes them.

“Il pellegrino è colui che cerca, accettando l’incalcolabile rischio di trovare veramente. Perchè trovare significa non essere più quello che si era prima.  È cambiare.  È morire. Per rinascere.”  (Davide Gandini)
“The pilgrim is with he who searches, accepting the incalculable risk of actually finding.  Because to find means to not be that which you were before.  It is to change.  It is to die.  To be reborn.” 

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